Growing up, I had a bit too much fascination with fire, which naturally led me to discover my passion for chemistry.

In undergrad, I completed my thesis on the topic of FUS droplet coalescence mechanism and currently continuing the same project in my masters. My research interest lies in the physics governing the droplet interface, particularly the amino acid residues that dictate these interactions.

I am currently using Python for most of my analysis and also at my part time job as an automation engineer.


  • M.Sc., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University (Oct 2023~)
    • Major: Chemistry (IGPAS Program)
    • Laboratory: Biomolecular Dynamics (PI: Kiyoto Kamagata)
    • Projects:
      • Elucidation of fusion dynamics of FUS droplets
      • Soon to be added
  • B.Sc., School of Science, Tohoku University (Oct 2019-Sep 2023)
    • Major: Chemistry (AMC, FGL Program)
    • Laboratory: Biomolecular Dynamics (PI: Kiyoto Kamagata)
    • Projects: Elucidation of fusion dynamics of FUS droplets
      • Fluorescence imaging
      • Optical tweezers

Honors and Awards

  • Early Career Researcher Poster Award. The 21st IUPAB and 62nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan. Kyoto, Jun 2024.
  • Student Presentation Award. The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan. Nagoya, Nov 2023. See more.
  • MEXT SGU Scholarship Oct 2023 - Apr 2025.
  • MEXT (U to U) Scholarship. Oct 2019 - Sep 2023.

Organizational experiences

  • The 36th Tohoku University International Festival TUIF, Leader (2023)
    • Led and coordinated the committee for the biggest international festival in Tohoku region, sold out 1000 tickets.
  • Tohoku University Foreign Student Association TUFSA, President (2023-2024)
    • Led the organizational reform of the association which had been inactive for three years due to the pandemic by rebuilding it from the ground up.